
Our philosophy for dementia care is to help residents feel at home in their own rooms and in shared spaces. We create flexible Care Routines knowing that there will be good days and bad days. We provide the highest staffing levels with committed and caring staff who share our passion to make a difference on a daily basis. We also recognise how connecting people to the gardens can make huge difference to people's wellbeing. Internal and external garden spaces provide opportunities for green therapy and wonderful private spaces or family interactions.
The Architecturally designed 'Gables' wing allows Nyton to think outside the box and create a unique care setting with facilities, equipment and interior designed tailored to meet the needs of residents living with dementia. Nyton is uses a 'HomeStyle' model of care and promotes independence and re-enablement within a communal interactive setting where residents feel like family.

A Trailblazer in supporting technologies

Safer, more independent living for residents is supported through technology. The Gables uses LIDAR (Light detection and Ranging) throughout the building to record movement and identify all falls risk. This technology monitors carer interactions and resident mobility to ensure responsive care. We recognise the challenges in pain management where there is a disability creates a communication barrier. At Nyton, we use Pain Chek AI face recognition tools to support our Carers in pain management. Another example of how innovation improves the lives of our residents,
Nyton House